F5 ARX Configuring 5.x Practice Test

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F5 ARX Configuring 5.x
E. 1 for VIP, 1 for Out of Band management, 1 for In Band management, and 1 for each
network port
Answer: B
Which of the following will cause a metadata collision upon import? Assume that Share1 and
Share2 are both in the same Managed Volume. (Choose two.)
A. A directory on Share1 has the same name as a directory on Share2 regardless of any other
B. A file on Share1 has the same filename and path as a file on Share2 regardless of any other
C. A directory on Share1 has the same name as a directory on Share2 but only if they have
different permissions.
D. A file on Share1 has the same filename and path as a file on Share2 but only if they have
different permissions.
Answer: B, C
Battery backed NVRAM is used to store
A. metalog updates.
B. the current metadata.
C. all configuration information.
D. Syslog messages and SNMP traps.
E. the current clock information to ensure proper synchronization with UTC.
Answer: A
Which of the following is NOT configured in the initial interview?
A. Master key
B. System password
C. In Band Management address
D. Crypto officer name and password E. Out of Band Management address
Answer: C
To upgrade ARX, which of the following are true? (Choose two.)
A. An admin must arm the upgrade image on the ARX and reload.
B. Upgrades can be performed online using F5 software upgrade web site.
C. Software images used for upgrades must be loaded onto the ARX using FTP.
D. Software images used for upgrades may be loaded on the ARX using the CIFS protocol.
E. All major version upgrades (from 4.x to 5.x for example) must be performed by F5
Answer: A, D
Which of the following are types of volumes that require metadata? (Choose two.)
A. Direct volumes
B. Interior volumes
C. Shadow volumes
D. Managed volumes
E. Presentation volumes
Answer: C, D
Which of the following filers are supported for Virtual Snapshots? (Choose three.)
B. NetApp
C. BlueArc
D. Sun Solaris
E. Windows Server
Answer: A, B, E
Which of the following operations would be run from within the Config mode of the CLI?
(Choose three.)
A. Create a namespace
B. Designate a DNS server
C. Create an External filer
D. Designate an NTP source
E. Assign an In Band Management address
F. Copy a file to or from the ARX using FTP
Answer: B, D, E
F5 Data Manager provides which of the following capabilities? (Choose two.)
A. Generates scripts to facilitate a data migration
B. Displays graphical and text based reports on files and file systems
C. Provides a GUI with which to create and modify managed volumes
D. Performs a policy based file migration between different managed volumes
Answer: A, B

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Other Sources

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F50-528 - F5 ARX Configuring 5.x Exam Braindumps
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F50-528 - F5 ARX Configuring 5.x Free PDF
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F50-528 - F5 ARX Configuring 5.x PDF Questions
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F50-528 - F5 ARX Configuring 5.x exam dumps
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