California Basic Educational Skills Test Exam Dumps

CBEST Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives

Section Number of Questions

Reading 50 (Multiple Choice)

Mathematics 50 (Multiple Choice)

Writing 2

35% of questions Computation and problem solving

30% of questions Estimation, measurement, and statistical principles

35% of questions Numerical and graphic relationships



Skill Area Performance: Your performance on the multiple-choice test questions
for each skill area is indicated next to the skill area title. The information will help
you assess your areas of strength and weakness and/or will help you prepare to
retake any section(s) of the test. For each skill area, you will see one of the
designations that appear below.

Each section score is based on a scale ranging from 20 to 80. For the
Reading and Mathematics sections, your score is derived from the total
number of questions you answered correctly.

Personal Experience - the “Experience” essay
Topics include reminiscences about people or past events,
situations at home, school, or in the community, current
events and issues, observations about the media, hobbies,
personal successes and accomplishments, changes the
writer would like to see made, career choices, and the like.
Explanatory/Analytic - the “Issue” essay
Calls on the writer to explain current issues and ideas,
controversies, difficulties, or opinions.

Rhetorical Force – the clarity with which the central idea or
point of view is stated and maintained; the coherence of
the discussion and the quality of the writers ideas.
Organization – the clarity of the writing and the logical
sequence of the writers ideas.

Support and Development – the relevance, depth, and
specificity of the supporting information

Each of the three sections receives a score ranging from 20 to 80. The passing score for each section is 41. The total passing score for the CBEST is 123. If you score below the passing mark on one section (or even on two sections) but your total score is 123 or higher, you can still pass the exam but only if your score in each section is 37 or above. This test is paper based or computer administered.

Let our outstanding teachers give you the edge to pass this very important California state teachers exam! Our credentialed instructors provide you with expert in-class instruction, successful test-taking strategies, computer-assisted information, and practice testing by topic area. Two class meetings consist of a mathematics review (problem solving, estimation, measurement, and numerical/graphic relationships). One class meeting consists of multiple approaches to help you improve your reading comprehension and essay writing skills. The book included in the course fee is CliffsTestPrep CBEST® preparation guide, revised by authors of BTPS Testing.

The CBEST measures proficiencies in three general areas: reading comprehension, mathematics and essay writing. This test was developed to meet requirements related to credentialing and employment. It is based upon the theory that teachers should be able to use the same skills taught to students – skills essential to students both in the classroom and outside school. All questions (except the essay in the Writing Section) are multiple choice with five answer choices for each question.

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California Basic Educational Skills Test
Question: 78 Section 1
In 1899, Czar Nicholas II of Russia invited the nations of the world to a conference at The Hague. This conferenceand
a follow-up organized by Theodore
Roosevelt in 1907ushered in a period of vigorous growth in international law. This growth was in response to several
factors, not least of which was the increasing potential for destruction of modern warfare. The recently concluded Civil
War in the United States made this potential clear. During this growth, the subjects of international law were almost
exclusively restricted to the relationships that countries had with one another. Issues of trade and warfare dominated
both the disputes and the agreements of the period. _________, the developments of this period paved the way for
further expansion of international law, which has occurred in the last several years. ________, organizations such as
the United Nations and the International Court of Justice are greatly concerned not only with the way countries deal
with one another, but the ways in which they treat their own citizens.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
According to the passage, what was the impact of the U.S. Civil War on the development of international law?
A. It encouraged the United States to join the international community.
B. It allowed armaments manufacturers to test new weapons.
C. It diminished the influence of the United States internationally.
D. It resulted in the suspension of agriculture exports from Southern states.
E. It highlighted the increasing destructive capabilities of modern warfare.
Answer: E
Choices a, b, c, and d are not supported by information in the passage. Thus, the best choice is e.
Question: 79 Section 1
In 1899, Czar Nicholas II of Russia invited the nations of the world to a conference at The Hague. This conferenceand
a follow-up organized by Theodore
Roosevelt in 1907ushered in a period of vigorous growth in international law. This growth was in response to several
factors, not least of which was the increasing potential for destruction of modern warfare. The recently concluded Civil
War in the United States made this potential clear. During this growth, the subjects of international law were almost
exclusively restricted to the relationships that countries had with one another. Issues of trade and warfare dominated
both the disputes and the agreements of the period. _________, the developments of this period paved the way for
further expansion of international law, which has occurred in the last several years. ________, organizations such as
the United Nations and the International Court of Justice are greatly concerned not only with the way countries deal
with one another, but the ways in which they treat their own citizens.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
Which of the following is the best meaning of the phrase ushered in as it is used in the passage?
A. escorted
B. progressed
C. guarded
D. heralded
E. conducted
Answer: D
Choices a, c, and e are possible definitions of ushered, but do not fit in the context of the passage. Choice b is an
incorrect definition. Heralded, choice d, is the best definition in the context.
Question: 80 Section 1
Emperor Charlemagne of the Franks was crowned in 800 A.D. The Frankish Empire at that time extended over what is
now Germany, Italy, and France.
Charlemagne died in 814, but his brief reign marked the dawn of a distinctly European culture. The artists and thinkers
that helped create this European civilization drew on the ancient texts of the Germanic, Celtic, Greek, Roman, Hebrew,
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and Christian worlds. __________________________________________. These mores in turn laid the groundwork
for the laws, customs, and even attitudes of todays Europeans.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
According to the passage, for how many years was Charlemagne Emperor of the Franks?
A. fourteen years
B. fifteen years
C. thirteen years
D. sixteen years
E. twelve years
Answer: A
Choices a, c, and e are possible definitions of ushered, but do not fit in the context of the passage. Choice b is an
incorrect definition. Heralded, choice d, is the best definition in the context.
Question: 81 Section 1
Emperor Charlemagne of the Franks was crowned in 800 A.D. The Frankish Empire at that time extended over what is
now Germany, Italy, and France.
Charlemagne died in 814, but his brief reign marked the dawn of a distinctly European culture. The artists and thinkers
that helped create this European civilization drew on the ancient texts of the Germanic, Celtic, Greek, Roman, Hebrew,
and Christian worlds. __________________________________________. These mores in turn laid the groundwork
for the laws, customs, and even attitudes of todays Europeans.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
Which of the following is the best meaning of the word "culture" as it is used in the passage?
A. the fashionable class
B. a community of inter-related individuals
C. a partnership
D. a group of loosely associated outsiders
E. an organized group with a common goal
Answer: B
Although all of the choices are possible definitions of culture, the passage is speaking of a community of inter-related
individuals Europeans.
Question: 82 Section 1
Emperor Charlemagne of the Franks was crowned in 800 A.D. The Frankish Empire at that time extended over what is
now Germany, Italy, and France.
Charlemagne died in 814, but his brief reign marked the dawn of a distinctly European culture. The artists and thinkers
that helped create this European civilization drew on the ancient texts of the Germanic, Celtic, Greek, Roman, Hebrew,
and Christian worlds. __________________________________________. These mores in turn laid the groundwork
for the laws, customs, and even attitudes of todays Europeans.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
Which sentence, if inserted into the blank line in the passage, would be most consistent with the writers purpose and
intended audience?
A. In order to understand these traditions as prototype, one must be familiar with the issues surrounding the
transference of rites from generation to generation.
B. Cultural traditions function to identify members of a culture to one another and, also, to allow the individual
to self-identify.
C. Many of the traditions of these cultures remained active in Frankish society for centuries.
D. When tradition is lacking or is not honored by the younger generation in a society, there is danger that the
culture will be lost.
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E. I don???t think it is necessary to discuss the origin of these traditions; it will only muddy the water.
Answer: C
The missing sentence is in a portion of the passage which is discussing the long-term impacts of the Franks, therefore,
c is the best choice. Choices b and d are written in a style appropriate to the passage, but the information is not
appropriate. Choice a uses jargon and choice e is too informal.
Question: 83 Section 1
Freedom of Expression, 217290 -
Text of the First Amendment, 217
Suppression of Message Content, 217272
Cohen v. California, 219220 -
Marketplace of Ideas, 221225 -
Abrams v. United States, 223 -
Unprotected Categories, 225259 -
Chaplin v. New Hampshire, 226 -
Obscenity, 232239 -
Miller v. California, 233235 -
Advocating (Imminent) Illegal Behavior, 239242
Schenck v. Ohio, 240 -
Defamation, 242246 -
New York Times v. Sullivan, 243245
Fighting Words, 247252 -
Feiner v. New York, 249 -
Mere rationality analysis, 252260
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 256259 -
Outside the Unprotected Categories, 260272
Regulations Presumed Unconstitutional, 260263
Metromedia, Inc. v. San Diego, 261263
Governments Interest, 264272 -
Chicago Police Department v.Mosley, 266267
Significance, 267 -
Widmar v. Vincent, 268269 -
Narrowly Drawn, 270272 -
Boos v. Barry, 270271 -
Incidental Interference with Expression, 273290
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Time, Place, and Manner, 274277 -
Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence, 275276
Forum, 278283 -
Hague v. CIO, 281283 -
Public, 279 -
Not Public, 280 -
Governments Interest, 283290 -
Schneider v. State, 284286 -
Significance, 286287 -
Narrowly Drawn, 287289 -
Available Alternatives, 289290 -
On the basis of above index please answer the following question
On which pages should one look to find information about the categories of unprotected speech?
A. 217???220
B. 221???225
C. 225???259
D. 260???272
E. 273???290
Answer: C
Unprotected categories of expression are discussed on pages 225259.
Question: 84 Section 1
Freedom of Expression, 217290 -
Text of the First Amendment, 217
Suppression of Message Content, 217272
Cohen v. California, 219220 -
Marketplace of Ideas, 221225 -
Abrams v. United States, 223 -
Unprotected Categories, 225259 -
Chaplin v. New Hampshire, 226 -
Obscenity, 232239 -
Miller v. California, 233235 -
Advocating (Imminent) Illegal Behavior, 239242
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Schenck v. Ohio, 240 -
Defamation, 242246 -
New York Times v. Sullivan, 243245
Fighting Words, 247252 -
Feiner v. New York, 249 -
Mere rationality analysis, 252260
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 256259 -
Outside the Unprotected Categories, 260272
Regulations Presumed Unconstitutional, 260263
Metromedia, Inc. v. San Diego, 261263
Governments Interest, 264272 -
Chicago Police Department v.Mosley, 266267
Significance, 267 -
Widmar v. Vincent, 268269 -
Narrowly Drawn, 270272 -
Boos v. Barry, 270271 -
Incidental Interference with Expression, 273290
Time, Place, and Manner, 274277 -
Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence, 275276
Forum, 278283 -
Hague v. CIO, 281283 -
Public, 279 -
Not Public, 280 -
Governments Interest, 283290 -
Schneider v. State, 284286 -
Significance, 286287 -
Narrowly Drawn, 287289 -
Available Alternatives, 289290 -
On the basis of above index please answer the following question
Which of the following best describes the organizational pattern used in the section of the book dealing with
suppression of message content?
A. by the types of publications involved
B. by the courts that heard the cases
C. by the dates of the court decisions
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D. by the forum in which the speech took place
E. by the category of the content of the speech
Answer: E
Although this information is about expression, it is not organized by the types of publications involved, choice a; and
although the index contains court cases, it does not indicate which courts heard the cases choice b or the dates of the
decisions choice c. Choice d, the forum in which the speech took place, is an entry in the index, but does not impact its
Question: 85 Section 1
Ratatouille is a dish that has grown in popularity worldwide over the last few years. Essentially, ratatouille is a
vegetable stew, which usually features eggplant, zucchini, tomato, peppers, and garlic, chopped, mixed together,
sauteed briefly, and finally, cooked slowly over low heat. As the vegetables cook slowly, they make their own broth,
which may be extended with a little tomato paste. The name ratatouille comes from the French word touiller, meaning
to stir or mix together.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
According to the information presented in the passage, what should one do immediately after chopping the vegetables?
A. saute them
B. mix them together
C. cook them slowly over low heat
D. add tomato paste
E. add garlic
Answer: B
The actions in choices a, c, and d, come after chopping the vegetables, but not immediately. Choice e is actually
mentioned before the direction to chop the vegetables.
Question: 86 Section 1
When the current measure used to calculate poverty levels was introduced in 1963, the poverty line for a family of two
adults and two children was about $3,100.
In 1992, there were 36.9 million people, or 14.5% of the U.S. population, with incomes below the poverty line. A
proposed new way of measuring poverty levels would include for the first time the effects of work-related expenses
such as transportation costs and child care costs on families available income. The largest effect of the new measure
would be a decrease in the percentage of people in families receiving cash welfare who fall under the poverty line, and
an increase in the percentage of people in working families who fall under it. People in families receiving cash welfare
would make up 30% of the poor under the new measure, compared with 40% under the current measure. In contrast,
people in working families would make up 59% of the poor under the new measure, compared with
51% under the current measure.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
According to the 1963 standards, the current number of poor working families is approximately what proportion of the
A. 30%
B. 60%
C. 40%
D. 59%
E. 51%
Answer: E
See the last sentence of the passage for the correct answer, 51 percent.
Question: 87 Section 1
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When the current measure used to calculate poverty levels was introduced in 1963, the poverty line for a family of two
adults and two children was about $3,100.
In 1992, there were 36.9 million people, or 14.5% of the U.S. population, with incomes below the poverty line. A
proposed new way of measuring poverty levels would include for the first time the effects of work-related expenses
such as transportation costs and child care costs on families available income. The largest effect of the new measure
would be a decrease in the percentage of people in families receiving cash welfare who fall under the poverty line, and
an increase in the percentage of people in working families who fall under it. People in families receiving cash welfare
would make up 30% of the poor under the new measure, compared with 40% under the current measure. In contrast,
people in working families would make up 59% of the poor under the new measure, compared with
51% under the current measure.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
One difference between the current and proposed measures is the fact that
A. the proposed measure identifies fewer working poor.
B. the current measure identifies fewer working poor.
C. the proposed measure disregards expenses for basic needs.
D. the current measure includes more people with health insurance.
E. the current measure ignores the completely destitute.
Answer: B
The second paragraph states that the current measure identifies fewer working poor, so choice a is incorrect. The
proposed measure does not disregard expenses for basic needs (choice c); it includes the value of non-cash benefits.
The current measure identifies fewer people with health insurance (choice d).
There is no indication in the passage that either measure ignores the destitute (choice e).
Question: 88 Section 1
A narrow fellow in the grass -
Occasionally rides;
You may have met him did you not?
His notice sudden is.
The grass divides as with a comb,
A spotted shaft is seen,
And then it closes at your feet -
And opens further on.
He likes a boggy acre,
A floor too cool for corn,
Yet when a boy, and barefoot,
I more than once at noon -
Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash
Unbraiding in the sun,
When, stooping to secure it,
It wrinkled, and was gone.
Several of natures people -
I know and they know me;
I feel for them a transport -
Of cordiality;
But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
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Without a tighter breathing -
And zero at the bone.
On the basis of above poem please answer the following question
Who or what is the "fellow" in this poem?
A. a whip-lash
B. a weed
C. a snake
D. a gust of wind
E. a boy
Answer: C
The fellow frightens the speaker. a, b, d, and e are not frightening.
Question: 89 Section 1
A narrow fellow in the grass -
Occasionally rides;
You may have met him did you not?
His notice sudden is.
The grass divides as with a comb,
A spotted shaft is seen,
And then it closes at your feet -
And opens further on.
He likes a boggy acre,
A floor too cool for corn,
Yet when a boy, and barefoot,
I more than once at noon -
Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash
Unbraiding in the sun,
When, stooping to secure it,
It wrinkled, and was gone.
Several of natures people -
I know and they know me;
I feel for them a transport -
Of cordiality;
But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
Without a tighter breathing -
And zero at the bone.
On the basis of above poem please answer the following question
The phrase "Without a tighter breathing / And zero at the bone" most nearly indicates
A. fright.
B. cold.
C. grief.
D. awe.
E. relief.
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Answer: A
Tighter breathing indicates fear, as does zero at the bone(one is sometimes said to be cold with fear). Also, the subject
is a snake, which is generally feared animal.
Question: 90 Section 1
A narrow fellow in the grass -
Occasionally rides;
You may have met himdid you not?
His notice sudden is.
The grass divides as with a comb,
A spotted shaft is seen,
And then it closes at your feet -
And opens further on.
He likes a boggy acre,
A floor too cool for corn,
Yet when a boy, and barefoot,
I more than once at noon -
Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash
Unbraiding in the sun,
When, stooping to secure it,
It wrinkled, and was gone.
Several of natures people -
I know and they know me;
I feel for them a transport -
Of cordiality;
But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
Without a tighter breathing -
And zero at the bone.
On the basis of above poem please answer the following question
The phrase "nature???s people" means
A. nature-lovers.
B. children.
C. animals.
D. neighbors.
E. grain.
Answer: C
In context, the speaker is discussing animals, because he follows with his contrasting attitude toward this fellow,
meaning the snake. The other choices are all human beings.
Question: 91 Section 1
A narrow fellow in the grass -
Occasionally rides;
You may have met himdid you not?
His notice sudden is.
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The grass divides as with a comb,
A spotted shaft is seen,
And then it closes at your feet -
And opens further on.
He likes a boggy acre,
A floor too cool for corn,
Yet when a boy, and barefoot,
I more than once at noon -
Have passed, I thought, a whip-lash
Unbraiding in the sun,
When, stooping to secure it,
It wrinkled, and was gone.
Several of natures people -
I know and they know me;
I feel for them a transport -
Of cordiality;
But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
Without a tighter breathing -
And zero at the bone.
On the basis of above poem please answer the following question
The speaker of this poem is most likely
A. an adult woman.
B. an adult man.
C. a young girl.
D. a young boy.
E. Emily Dickinson.
Answer: B
Stanza three contains the phrase when a boy implying the speaker was a boy in the past and is now, therefore, an adult
Question: 92 Section 1
By using tiny probes as neural prostheses, scientists may be able to restore nerve function in quadriplegics and make
the blind see or the deaf hear. Thanks to advanced techniques, a single, small, implanted probe can stimulate individual
neurons electrically or chemically and then record responses. Preliminary results suggest that the microprobe telemetry
systems can be permanently implanted and replace damaged or missing nerves. The tissue-compatible microprobes
represent an advance over the typical aluminum wire electrodes used in studies of the cortex and other brain structures.
Researchers accumulate much data using traditional electrodes, but there is a question of how much damage they cause
to the nervous system. Microprobes, which are about as thin as a human hair, cause minimal damage and disruption of
neurons when inserted into the brain. In addition to recording nervous system impulses, the microprobes have
minuscule channels that open the way for delivery of drugs, cellular growth factors, neurotransmitters, and other
neuroactive compounds to a single neuron or to groups of neurons. Also, patients who lack certain biochemicals could
receive doses via prostheses. The probes can have up to four channels, each with its own recording/stimulating
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
One similar feature of microprobes and wire electrodes is
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A. a minimal disturbance of neurons.
B. the density of the material.
C. the capacity for multiple leads.
D. the substance from which they are made.
E. their ability to generate information.
Answer: E
The second sentence of the first paragraph states that probes record responses. The second paragraph says that
electrodes accumulate much data.
Question: 93 Section 1
By using tiny probes as neural prostheses, scientists may be able to restore nerve function in quadriplegics and make
the blind see or the deaf hear. Thanks to advanced techniques, a single, small, implanted probe can stimulate individual
neurons electrically or chemically and then record responses. Preliminary results suggest that the microprobe telemetry
systems can be permanently implanted and replace damaged or missing nerves. The tissue-compatible microprobes
represent an advance over the typical aluminum wire electrodes used in studies of the cortex and other brain structures.
Researchers accumulate much data using traditional electrodes, but there is a question of how much damage they cause
to the nervous system. Microprobes, which are about as thin as a human hair, cause minimal damage and disruption of
neurons when inserted into the brain. In addition to recording nervous system impulses, the microprobes have
minuscule channels that open the way for delivery of drugs, cellular growth factors, neurotransmitters, and other
neuroactive compounds to a single neuron or to groups of neurons. Also, patients who lack certain biochemicals could
receive doses via prostheses. The probes can have up to four channels, each with its own recording/stimulating
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
A. Microprobes require further technological advances before they can be used in humans.
B. Wire electrodes are antiquated as a means for delivering neuroactive compounds to the brain.
C. Microprobes have great potential to help counteract neural damage.
D. Technology now exists that may enable repair of the nervous system.
E. Use of wire electrodes is being replaced by use of wire electrodes.
Answer: C
The tone throughout the passage suggests the potential for microprobes. They can be permanently implanted, they have
advantages over electrodes, they are promising candidates for neural prostheses, they will have great accuracy, and
they are flexible.
Question: 94 Section 1
By using tiny probes as neural prostheses, scientists may be able to restore nerve function in quadriplegics and make
the blind see or the deaf hear. Thanks to advanced techniques, a single, small, implanted probe can stimulate individual
neurons electrically or chemically and then record responses. Preliminary results suggest that the microprobe telemetry
systems can be permanently implanted and replace damaged or missing nerves. The tissue-compatible microprobes
represent an advance over the typical aluminum wire electrodes used in studies of the cortex and other brain structures.
Researchers accumulate much data using traditional electrodes, but there is a question of how much damage they cause
to the nervous system. Microprobes, which are about as thin as a human hair, cause minimal damage and disruption of
neurons when inserted into the brain. In addition to recording nervous system impulses, the microprobes have
minuscule channels that open the way for delivery of drugs, cellular growth factors, neurotransmitters, and other
neuroactive compounds to a single neuron or to groups of neurons. Also, patients who lack certain biochemicals could
receive doses via prostheses. The probes can have up to four channels, each with its own recording/stimulating
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
All of the following are mentioned in the passage as potential uses for prostheses EXCEPT
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A. transportation of medication.
B. induction of physical movement.
C. compensation for damaged nerves.
D. transportation of growth factor.
E. removal of biochemicals from the cortex.
Answer: E
According to the third paragraph, people who lack biochemicals could receive doses via prostheses. However, there is
no suggestion that removing biochemicals would be viable.
Question: 95 Section 1
By using tiny probes as neural prostheses, scientists may be able to restore nerve function in quadriplegics and make
the blind see or the deaf hear. Thanks to advanced techniques, a single, small, implanted probe can stimulate individual
neurons electrically or chemically and then record responses. Preliminary results suggest that the microprobe telemetry
systems can be permanently implanted and replace damaged or missing nerves. The tissue-compatible microprobes
represent an advance over the typical aluminum wire electrodes used in studies of the cortex and other brain structures.
Researchers accumulate much data using traditional electrodes, but there is a question of how much damage they cause
to the nervous system. Microprobes, which are about as thin as a human hair, cause minimal damage and disruption of
neurons when inserted into the brain. In addition to recording nervous system impulses, the microprobes have
minuscule channels that open the way for delivery of drugs, cellular growth factors, neurotransmitters, and other
neuroactive compounds to a single neuron or to groups of neurons. Also, patients who lack certain biochemicals could
receive doses via prostheses. The probes can have up to four channels, each with its own recording/stimulating
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
The initial function of microprobe channels is to
A. create pathways.
B. disrupt neurons.
C. replace ribbon cables.
D. study the brain.
E. induce sight and hearing in the blind and deaf.
Answer: A
The first sentence of the third paragraph says that microprobes have channels that open the way for delivery of drugs.
Studying the brain (choice d) is not the initial function of channels, though it is one of the uses of the probes
Question: 96 Section 1
Greyhound racing is the sixth most popular spectator sport in the United States. Over the last decade a growing number
of racers have been adopted to live out their retirement as household pets, once their racing career is over. Many
people hesitate to adopt a retired racing greyhound because they think only very old dogs are available. Actually, even
champion racers only work until they are about three and a half years old. Since greyhounds usually live to be 12-15
years old, their retirement is much longer than their racing careers. People worry that a greyhound will be more
nervous and active than other breeds and will need a large space to run. These are false impressions. Greyhounds have
naturally sweet, mild dispositions, and while they love to run, they are sprinters rather than distance runners and are
sufficiently exercised with a few laps around a fenced-in backyard everyday. Greyhounds do not make good
watchdogs, but they are very good with children, get along well with other dogs (and usually cats as well), and are
very affectionate and loyal. They are intelligent, well behaved dogs, usually housebroken in only a few days. A retired
racing greyhound is a wonderful pet for almost anyone.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
Based on the tone of the passage, the authors main purpose is to
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A. teach prospective owners how to transform their racing greyhound into a good pet.
B. show how the greyhound???s nature makes it equally good as racer and pet.
C. encourage people to adopt retired racing greyhounds.
D. objectively present the pros and cons of adopting a racing greyhound.
E. argue in favor of banning Greyhound racing.
Answer: C
The tone of the passage is enthusiastic in its recommendation of the greyhound as pet and thereby encourages people
to adopt one. It does not give advice on transforming a greyhound (choice a). Except to say that they love to run, the
passage does not spend equal time describing the greyhound as racer (choice b), nor does it comment on banning of
greyhound racing (choice e). The authors tone is not objective (choice d), but rather enthusiastic.
Question: 97 Section 1
Greyhound racing is the sixth most popular spectator sport in the United States. Over the last decade a growing number
of racers have been adopted to live out their retirement as household pets, once their racing career is over. Many
people hesitate to adopt a retired racing greyhound because they think only very old dogs are available. Actually, even
champion racers only work until they are about three and a half years old. Since greyhounds usually live to be 12-15
years old, their retirement is much longer than their racing careers. People worry that a greyhound will be more
nervous and active than other breeds and will need a large space to run. These are false impressions. Greyhounds have
naturally sweet, mild dispositions, and while they love to run, they are sprinters rather than distance runners and are
sufficiently exercised with a few laps around a fenced-in backyard everyday. Greyhounds do not make good
watchdogs, but they are very good with children, get along well with other dogs (and usually cats as well), and are
very affectionate and loyal. They are intelligent, well behaved dogs, usually housebroken in only a few days. A retired
racing greyhound is a wonderful pet for almost anyone.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
According to the passage, adopting a greyhound is a good idea for people who
A. do not have children.
B. live in apartments.
C. do not usually like dogs.
D. are retired.
E. already have another dog or a cat.
Answer: E
See the last paragraph. The passage does not mention b, c, or d. Choice a is clearly wrong; the passage states the
Question: 98 Section 1
Rhesus monkeys use facial expressions to communicate with each other and to enforce social order. For example, the
"fear grimace," although it looks ferocious, is actually given by a __________ monkey who is intimidated by a
__________ member of the group.
On the basis of above passage please answer the following question
Which pair of words or phrases, if inserted into the blanks in sequence, makes the most sense in the writers context?
A. calm . . . aggressive
B. dominant . . . subordinate
C. confident . . . fearless
D. subordinate . . . dominant
E. high-ranking . . . low-ranking
Answer: D
Answers a and c do not include the sense of hierarchy conveyed in the phrase to enforce social order. Answers b and e
do convey a sense of hierarchy but reverse the proper order of meanings in the context.
CBEST-2.html[8/4/2021 5:18:34 AM]
Question: 99 Section 1
On the basis of above table please answer the following question
The largest number of men in the Baidya caste of Madaripur are involved in which field?
A. education
B. agriculture
C. government
D. publishing
E. trade
Answer: A
The question asks for what field the most men are involved instead of employed. The answer would include students,
who are not necessarily salaried workers.
Therefore, combining the number of students and teachers gives the largest number involved in education.
Question: 100 Section 1
CBEST-2.html[8/4/2021 5:18:34 AM]
On the basis of above table please answer the following question
What percentage of the Baidya caste men are employed in the legal profession?
A. 12%
B. 0.3%
C. 6%
D. 3%
E. 1.2%
Answer: D
There are 200 men. 6 are in the legal profession. 6 divided by 200 is equal to 0.03 or 3%.
CBEST-2.html[8/4/2021 5:18:34 AM]
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California statewide look at investigates causes and affects of homelessness

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